Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Target Test

November 30, 2010

Today I had a substitute in my room because the other English teachers and I graded papers all day long!!! We had to grade the essay an open response part of the target test! Unfortunately they will not run through the scan tron machine! We discussed more effective approaches to teaching, and how we could increase student learning.  The essays were not where I wanted them to be. I have been wracking my brain all day! I think it's time to review "bones of an essay" again.  I recently observed another English  teacher show her students the "bones".  She basically teaches the students how to write an essay in cooking cooker style.  Slowly but surely she pulls pieces away until they can do it all on their own.  It's time to get back to work!

Manic Monday

November 29, 2010
Today was every bit of a Monday! Thanksgiving flew by only to leave me with a Monday!!! I literally rolled out of bed this morning, stumbled to the coffee pot, and willed myself to get ready! Once the day started it went well! I really missed my students, and it seemed as though they missed me... haha!  We all had a really good day though! We reviewed word problems and teased our brain with math puzzles in 7th grade math. In Pre-Algebra we were detectives trying to find the missing angles on polygons.  In 7th grade English we went over TLI test problems. And we started a new novel, Fallen,  in 8th grade English!

Break Away

Novemember 23, 2010
Grading papers during Thanksgiving Break! I loaded up most of my classroom on Friday and brought it home with me! There is nothing in the world like taking a break while holding a red ink pen, and spending coutless hours grading papers! I think I smell R&R! Ahh, how about you?

Thanksgiving Break!

November 17, 2010

Progress reports went out today!  I can't believe how fast the year is zooming by! I must say that Thanksgiving will be a much needed and very welcomed vacation! I've been feeling pretty drained this week!  There is so much to do with so little time to do it all!  Happy Thanksgiving every one!

Illustrate the Reading

November 15, 2010

We did a fun activity in English today. I gave all of the students paper and colors. They had to draw what they pictured in their mind as I read a story to them.  We read about a folk tale about a spider named Anansi. The student's pictures turned out great! I could tell that they were really listening. After I finished reading they began to ask questions, so that they could make sure their drawings were very detailed!  They really listened well to the story, and we hung their pictures on the wall by the door!

Dancing the year away!

November 8 - 12

This week has been very interesting! I started out the week by giving the English TLI target test. We had a faculty meeting bright an early Tuesday morning at 7:30, tutored after school. I played math ball in Pre-Algebra on Wednesday! I throw the ball randomly to a student and they have to be ready with the answer! They love it, and it helps to keep them focused while we review!  On Thursday we had a school dance! I stayed after school and helped with the dance. It was not only my first school dance as a teacher, but it was also my son's first middle school dance! I tried not to hover around him! It was too funny and fun!

Math Fun

Nov 1-4

This week has been very interesting! I feel as though I learned a lot. I got to observe the math coach at HMS teach two 7th grade math classes. I really enjoyed watching as he taught the students.  I was able to see a lot of the strategies implemented that I have been learning about in my MAT courses.  He really kept the students engaged and focused on the lesson. They didn't have time for their minds to wander! He reviewed scientific notation with them and taught it in a way were they could really understand it!

Potluck and a Baby Shower

September 20 - 24

This Tuesday and Thursday I experienced my very first parent teacher conference where I got to be the teacher instead of the parent! The week, of course, flew by! This week felt as if there were a million things going on all at once! On Monday I recieved my very first paycheck! That seemed to make the week go by a little better ...wink wink! However Tuesday consisted of Homework, for me, of course! In 7th grade English we worked on a fun vocabulary activity that went along with our poetry readings! I finally had my word wall looking half way decent! While trying to finish homework and prepare for math and English classes I also found time to get my UAM refund check, hehe, and buy a pretty pink baby shower gift for one of my co-workers.  Then Wednesday night I stayed up late preparing a potluck dish for lunch on Thursday. I made a sheperds pie. It was tasty!  Parent Teacher Conference went well and I enjoyed meeting with my student's parents!