Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Potluck and a Baby Shower

September 20 - 24

This Tuesday and Thursday I experienced my very first parent teacher conference where I got to be the teacher instead of the parent! The week, of course, flew by! This week felt as if there were a million things going on all at once! On Monday I recieved my very first paycheck! That seemed to make the week go by a little better ...wink wink! However Tuesday consisted of Homework, for me, of course! In 7th grade English we worked on a fun vocabulary activity that went along with our poetry readings! I finally had my word wall looking half way decent! While trying to finish homework and prepare for math and English classes I also found time to get my UAM refund check, hehe, and buy a pretty pink baby shower gift for one of my co-workers.  Then Wednesday night I stayed up late preparing a potluck dish for lunch on Thursday. I made a sheperds pie. It was tasty!  Parent Teacher Conference went well and I enjoyed meeting with my student's parents!

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